Our Board Members
The Blue River Valley School Corporation is governed by an elected board of five School Trustees.
Board elections are held during November of even-numbered years. Members will take office in January following their election. Board Officers will be chosen at the first meeting in January. Board members are all “at-large” for the district, which consists of the entire areas of Prairie and Blue River Townships, Henry County, Indiana.
School Board Meetings will typically be held on the second Monday of each month, although the corporation may adjust board meeting dates to avoid meeting on holidays, during hazardous weather, or on any other dates that would make attendance inconvenient to the Board and the public.
Board meetings begin at 7:00p.m and, unless otherwise specified in the agenda, meetings are held in the Blue River Valley Jr/Sr High School library, located at 4741 Viking Trail in New Castle.
Regular business meetings are open to the public.
The Board may also conduct executive sessions for the purposes of discussing bargaining, litigation, school safety and security measures, the purchase of property, interviewing or reviewing information about prospective employees, to review conduct of current employees, classified records, job performance, school board training, and other concerns as outlined by IC 5-14-1.5-6.1. Public notice is given of such sessions, and final policy actions on any matters discussed in executive session must be taken in a public meeting.
Meetings are conducted according to an agenda prepared by the superintendent and posted at the entrance to the meeting room and the corporation office prior to the meeting. The agenda allows for an orderly consideration of many issues and concerns. This agenda, along with pertinent background information is sent to Board members prior to the meeting. This allows Board members to be informed and prepared to make their decisions.
Most of the business of governance by the Board of School Trustees is contained in the Consent Agenda. The consent agenda will contain the routine, monthly items that require Board approval. Typically these items are financial, legal, personnel and policy items which are addressed every meeting and are summarized into one report or resolution. The Board may approve or disapprove these items by considering them as a whole rather than by acting on each item individually. If a Board member feels that any item on the consent agenda needs further discussion, the member may request that the item be removed from the consent agenda and be considered separately.
The Board agenda allows for time to showcase student and school events which merit recognition from the board and community. There are also standing agenda items for the board president, the superintendent, the Classroom Teachers Association president, and the building principals to comment.
The Board also encourages public participation and welcomes opinions and questions from the community and school patrons. Any interested citizen may submit a request to the Board president or to the superintendent of schools to place an item on the agenda.
Also, the agenda for each regular meeting provides time for a period for public comment. The public may comment during the approval of the agenda, or may sign up express concerns relative to the business of the school, such as instructional programming, safety, policy, school board actions, and other items of general educational or community interest. Public comments should be limited to three minutes.
Persons who wish to address the Board are asked to sign in before the meeting begins. Participants are asked to limit their remarks to three minutes. Each participant must state his name and address before beginning his/her remarks to be entered into the board minutes. Out of consideration for others who may wish to speak, participants should keep their remarks brief and to the point, and should not address personnel, legal, or security issues, and, if there is an issue specific to one student or a building-level concern, it should first be addressed with the teacher or other involved adult, and the principal.
Jon Madison
Carla Bryant
Vice President
Brian Koontz
Mysia Brown
Ashley Beavers