BRV- Tara Jarvis first place - #2 singles- County Tennis Tournament.
BRV-Jenna Willis and Samantha Webb/First place - #1 doubles - County Tennis Tournament.
Kearsten Perdue/first place - #3 singles - County Tennis Tournament.
BRV vs Knightstown in 1st round county action today. Good luck Lady Vikings!
Viking tennis team in county action today at Tri. Good luck Lady Vikings!
Congratulations to all of the award recipients at this evening’s Blue River Valley FFA awards banquet. A special shout-out to FFA STATE CHAMPIONS Jordan Flynn and Stella Freuchtel-Dearing!
Thank you to Mrs. Chernowsky for all of her efforts and hard work as our FFA sponsor.
Months of practice - Lots of teamwork - Three shows this weekend - Top notch job! Thank you Mr. Bales, Ms. Ison, staff, and students for all of your amazing work and talent on the Wizard of Oz production. Viking Pride!
Proud of our BRV boys basketball team for a successful 2021-22 season. Viking Proud!
Due to road conditions, BRV will have an E-learning day Friday, February 25, 2022. Assignments will be posted by 10 am.
BRV will be operating on a 2 hour delay on Friday, February 25, 2022.
BRV will operate on a 2-hour delay on Friday, February 18, 2022.
Bus 5 (Sandy) is running 30 minutes behind schedule today.
Blue River Valley Schools will be closed on Friday, February 4, 2022 with E-Learning protocols in place.
Blue River Valley Schools will be closed on Thursday, February 3, 2022 with E-Learning protocols in place.
Blue River Valley Schools will be closed on Wednesday, February 2, 2022 with E-Learning protocols in place.
Vikings 57 - UC 46. Great job Coach Klein and team on getting the W!
BRV up 33-14 at the half. Showing lots of Viking hustle!
End of Q1- BRV 13; Union City 5. Go Vikings!
Don't forget tomorrow (1/27/22) is an e-learning day for students.
Blue River Valley Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, due to extreme subzero temperature.